Friday, March 12, 2010

i pad? i pad. i pad!

When you think of a pad, i think of a black man on my floor cleaning my shoes, loafer to be specific. JK LOL ROFL I LUV BLACK GUYZ. You know what they say once you go never have good credit. Ah that's not true, i myself am an African-American and comtribute greatly to my community with my record label, and low riding cadillac. But back to the ipad. What is up with apple thing of putting the i before all the stuff, is the iraq next, what about the iran, they really need to draw the line somewhere. But once again back to the ipad, it is just another way for our youth to access rap music, which we all know is the source of modern  Nazism.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I hope I don't get molested out of this

All right first things first, to all those old men out their that will read these provocative post with a distorted picture of me in the mind, I'm doing this for the money.....wait that doesn't sound right. I mean I'm blogging for the money, not whatever you were thinking, or what i was thinking for that matter. Well i know it says I'm 25 but i just do that to throw the feds of my trail. I'm really a 15, almost 16 year old male of partly Asian decent growing up in Utah AND am apparently legally retarded so........lifes pretty good. Well i guess that blogging is another sign of my mental deficiency because I think that everyone that blogs to tell their feelings to the world and to get their opinions across the world wide web should defiantly take a bubble bath with a radio. This causes death from electricuation to all the ill informed 12 year olds reading this. But I'm doing it none the less so lock me up and put me in a cell with Forrest Gump cause, I'm retarded (for blogging of course)